Monday, March 20, 2017


Are we Transforming or Disrupting HR?

DisruptHR. It is an interesting approach to focus on the inevitable change occurring in HR and in all things related to how we are working, where we are working, what contracts we accept (or shouldn't), in short: how we deliver work and find the right talent that will provide the best input. 
I am proud to announce our own event. It will take place on April 27, 2017, starting at 5pm. We will take over the beautiful Domenico Winery in San Carlos (California), and you will get to be in the first line to watch change happen. I think that the Silicon Valley DiruptHR will be even more exciting and interesting, as we all sit at the center of change. We'll start with networking, and finish with another opportunity to discuss together all we have heard. Bring your business cards!
If you don't live in the Bay Area (we cannot all fit in here, although one would think we are trying to do just that if looking at the real estate...), please do have a look at how many cities are organizing a similar event, and by all means - attend one. These events are organized usually as non-profit, by volunteers; the events are sponsored and supported by the attendees by mean of a (relatively) cheap ticket (by the way, buy one to attend our event!) and by local sponsors (thank you!!!).
The format is like a condensed TedX dedicated to HR. 12 to 14 speakers, 5 minutes each, and slides rotate every 15 seconds - so there isn't much time for deep discussion (or for sales pitches, those being formally forbidden), but only the opportunity to share ideas. Each talk is recorded, and then shared on the DisruptHR website as well as on a dedicated Vimeo channel, where you can directly listen in if you want to get the picture.
You don't have to be an HR professional to attend or to speak. Actually, it is almost better if you are not; the freshest ideas often come from looking at things with a new eye.
And... we still have place for additional sponsors! so if you are interested, do contact me. 

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